
Eye Lift Surgery


Eye Surgery Procedure Abbotsford

A blepharoplasty is a commonly performed cosmetic procedure that removes the droopy excess skin and when needed fat from your upper and lower eyelids while tightening the skin. Dr. Brown performs many of these surgeries on men and women of all ages, who feel they have tired looking eyes and would like them to be more open and look more youthful. As a Board Certified, Canadian trained Plastic Surgeon working in the Greater Vancouver area, Dr. Brown will strive to give you the best possible result you can expect.

eye plastic surgery

In your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Brown in our Abbotsford, BC office, he will discuss:

  • If you are a candidate to have a blepharoplasty
  • Go over your expectations for your surgical goal
  • Upper eyelid blepharoplasty vs. lower lid blepharoplasty vs. both.
  • Whether local anesthetic or general anesthetic will be used
  • What to expect after having a blepharoplasty
  • The benefits and potential risks of having a blepharoplasty

Once you are done your consultation, you will be given a quote for the surgery, which is good for 6 months. This quote includes the fee for Dr. Brown, the clinic fee (depending what you and Dr. Brown discuss) and follow up appointments. The only extra cost to you would the pain medication and general lab work (if you do not have a BC Care Card). Please be advised that if you are experiencing blocked vision from the excess upper eyelid skin, please see your family doctor as this is would not be considered cosmetic procedure.

Eye Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the surgery performed?

Dr. Brown performs the surgery at both our boardwalk clinic (in our office) or at a private surgical facility located in Langley, BC. Both the office and surgical facility are conveniently located just minutes away from Highway 1.

How long is the surgery?

The surgery typically take 45-60 minutes. It can be done either under local anesthetic (freezing in that area) or a general anesthetic. Dr. Brown will discuss with you in your consultation which option is better for you.

What is the recovery like after having blepharoplasty?

Most of our patient’s find their bruising and swelling subsides 1-2 weeks after surgery. Pain can typically be managed by taking just Tylenol or Advil and are back to normal within 3 weeks

How long after my consultation can I book my surgery?

With our increased flexibility with scheduling, we can typically accommodate the month you would like to proceed with your surgery in.

What is the price of having a blepharoplasty?

With different options available for this surgery (i.e.: just upper eyelids, upper and lower eyelids, local anesthetic, general anesthetic) Dr. Brown would need to meet with you first to determine what is best for you. However, for just an upper lid blepharoplasty performed under local anesthetic Dr. Brown Charges $3000 plus GST.

Can this operation by covered by the Medical Services Plan?

A cosmetic blepharoplasty is not a benefit of the MSP. However a functional blepharoplasty where it can be shown that greater than 20 percent of your vision is blocked can be covered by the medical services plan. To have this operation covered you would need a referral from your GP for this procedure and have a visual fields test performed.